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A Transitional Possibility to Inspire Autonomous Thinking and Creativity: Also on Competency-Based Teaching and Learning
作者 温明麗
This article is focused on the "competency-based teaching and learning" based on the 108 curriculum reform, which needs to stimulate students' independent thinking, critical thinking and creativity. Creativity and autonomous thinking are one with two sides, and teachers themselves need to have professional competency, including cognition, emotion and morality, viz. creative moral wisdom, to inspire students' autonomous thinking and their creativity. Therefore, this paper declaims that the barriers of writing reformat been followed publishing rules have been limited authors' originality for a long time, and need to be emancipated from scratch. It is expected that educational leaders and policy makers to reflect sincerely on the weigh between originality and obeying the writing format to promote educational development, in terms of individual independent thinking and cultural heritance. According to this argument, this article apples to all educators work together to stimulate the originality in the field of education, in particular, teacher training, say, demonstrating creative moral wisdom. Discussing this point of view, this article also discusses the implementation and significance of the "competency-based teaching and learning" to ensure the educational reform can achieve the effect due to teachers' professional competency with contingency.
起訖頁 23-36
關鍵詞 自主思維創造力素養導向教學autonomous thinkingcreativitycompetency-based teaching and learning
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202207 (3:4期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 談偏遠地區國中小代理教師現象及其改善作為
該期刊-下一篇 中部地區幼兒園家長對準公共化教育政策之瞭解與實施看法之調查研究




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