台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202105 (2:3期)期所有篇 |
- 我國大學國際化推動方向之檢討與展望:被忽略的行政體系的聲音 Retrospect and Prospect of the Internationalization of Taiwanese Higher Education: The Unheard Administrative Voice
- 素養教育的推動:論大學選才策略與教師素養課程設計能力兩大關鍵 The Promotion of Competency-based Education: On the Two Key Elements of University Strategies in Student Selection and Teachers’ Ability in Competency-based Curriculum Design
- 從數學教科書設計初探素養導向理念之轉化 A Preliminary Study on the Implementation of Reformed Curriculum through Examining the Design of Mathematics Textbooks
- 高中以下藝術才能美術班之生涯輔導需求及因應對策 The Need of Career Counseling for the Visual Art Talent Classes under High School
- 面向工業4.0的技職教育課程發展之道 The Way of Curriculum Development for Technological and Vocational Education When Facing Industry 4.0
- 技術型高中專業群科教師素養評量的困境 The Predicament of Competency-Based Assessment of Professional and Practical Subject Teachers in Vocational High Schools
- 高等教育機構因應原住民族大專生在校學習適應的因應策略 Corresponding Strategies to Indigenous Students’ Learning Adjustments at Higher Education Institutions
- 在地認同、產學合作與大學社會責任:國立臺東大學數位媒體與文教產業學系的發展經驗 "Local Identity, Industry-Academia Collaboration and University Social Responsibility: The Xxperience of Department of Digital Media, National Taitung University"
- 從破除刻板印象到提升跨文化能力:跨國婚姻移民教育之課程教學實踐探究 From Breaking Stereotypes to Improving Intercultural Competences: An Inquiry into the Teaching Practices of an International Marriage Immigration Education Course
- 教專學程生「電子書整合教學策略」與「多元文化教育教學知能」之個案研究 A Case Study on ' E-Book Integrated Teaching Strategies ' and ' Multicultural Education Teaching Literacy ' of the Government Paid Students of Teacher Profession Development Master Program
- 教師專業學習社群與專業資本關係之研究 A Study on Relationship of Teacher Professional Learning Communities and Professional Capital
- 德國GEI年度數學教科書之分析:以數學溝通能力檢視一年級教科書小組學習活動 Textbook Analysis of the GEI “Textbook of the Year” in Germany - Review the First-Year Textbook Group Learning Activities with Mathematics Communication Skills
- 日本課程改革下教師教育的現況與課題 The Current Situation and Tasks of Teacher Education under the Curriculum Reform in Japan
- 中小學品德教育的現況與課題:批判取向的反思與展望 Current Status and Controversial Issues of Taiwan’s Character and Moral Education in Primary and Secondary Schools: Reflection and Prospect from a Critical Approach