201106 (7期)期所有篇 |
- 導讀「逆中心互動傳播」的新詮釋概念 Introduction to ''reverse center interactive communication, ''the new interpretation of the concept of Kun-Chiang CHANG
- 現代性與本土性的詮釋辯證:二戰後台灣「漢傳佛教」歷史的新局開展及其在地轉型問題 Modernity and the dialectical interpretation of indigenous: After World War II history of Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan a new discussion
- 互動與互惠(1945-2010):戰後台灣佛教與政治間的複雜糾葛析探 Interaction and reciprocity (1945-2011): World War II Taiwan, ''Chinese Buddhism,'' History of the Bureau launched its new Transformation in the ground
- 潮起與潮落:以戰後「中國佛教會」的在台沿革及其轉型為中心
- 捍衛自教立場?抑或維護信仰自由? Defend their own religious position? Or the maintenance of freedom of belief? (1949-2010)
- 當代台灣漢傳佛教的未來走向及其歷史反思 Chinese Buddhism in contemporary Taiwan and its future direction of historical reflection
- 危機管理中資訊、決策系統之探討 Exploration of Information and Decision-making System in Crisis Management.
- 複合式災害應變與國土安全:從美國國土安全部災害應變機制與經驗談起 Multiple Disasters and Homeland Security Lessons from the Security Response and Crisis Management of DHS in America
- 我國立法院朝野黨團協商機制:理性選擇制度主義的初步分析 China's] legislative consultation system governing and opposition parties: Rational choice institutionalism preliminary analysis
- 國民黨立法院黨團的黨鞭制度:比較的觀點 Party Whips System of KMT's Caucus in the Legislative Yuan: A Comparative Perspective
- 金農的畫梅題記之探討 Analysis of Jin Nong's Postscripts on Plums Paintings
- 《雜寶藏經》敘事策略初探 The strategy of narrative in Tsa Pao Tsang Ching
- 周旋於國、共之間:青年黨左舜生在民國35年時的政治動向析探 Mediate embroilment between The Kuomintang and Communist: Tso Shun-sheng in 1946.