說「告」 On the Character“gao(告)”in the Oracle Bone Inscriptions
「屰」字構形演變研究 The Research of Character「屰」(Ni)Formation Development
《慧琳音義》引玄奘《藥師經》梵漢詞彙對比 A Comparative Study of the Sanskrit-Chinese Lexicon in Xuan-Zang's Sutra of the Medicine Buddha Based on Pronunciation and Meaning in the Buddhist Scriptures Compiled by Huilin
《莊子》「即物而道」的身體現象學解讀 Interpretation of“Body Phenomenology”in“Things upon Tao”of Zhuangzi
文學實證之「由靜趨動」:評陳廣宏《文本、史案與實證:明代文學文獻考論》 Transition of Textual Research from Statics to Dynamics: Review on Text, Individual Cases and Textual Research
謝肇淛《五雜組》中的物質書寫與地域視野 Object Descriptions and Geographical Perspectives in Xie Zhao-zhi's Wu Za Zu
清順治京師詩壇之盛世話語:以北籍仕清文人為考察 Jing Shi Poetic Circle of a Flourishing Period during Qing Dynasty Shunzhi (1644-1661)–An Examination of the North Ching Official literati
晚明至民初視覺文化與男同性關係之想像 Visual Culture and Representations of Male Same-Sex Relationships in Late Imperial and Early Republican China
周瘦鵑與紫羅蘭:文學商品的建構及其文化意涵 Zhou Shoujuan and Violet: The Formation of Literary Commodity and Its Cultural Significance
時尚無罪:《紫羅蘭》半月刊的編輯美學、政治意識與文化想像 Fashion is No Crime: The Aesthetics of Editorship, Political Awareness and Cultural Imaginary of the Semi-Monthly Ziluolan
介於小說與非小說之間:明清白話小說的全球性以及新發現的清初話本小說早期的西譯 Between Fiction and Non-Fiction: The Global Nature of Ming/Qing Xiaoshuo and a Newly Discovered Early Western Translation of a Qing Dynasty Short Story.
朝鮮時代中國小說的接受及其文化意義 Acceptance and Dissemination of Chinese Novels in the Joseon Dynasty