藏傳佛教造像色彩與方位相關性探討 A Discussion on the Relation between the Colors and Orientations of the Tibetan Iconography
再論吐蕃的''赭面''習俗 Rediscussion on the Bod-Tibetan Zhimian Custom
古代西藏苯教的制度化過程考析 Analysis on an Institutional Course of Ancient Tibetan Bon
中國內地西藏班的民族教育辦學模式──以北京西藏中學的辦學為例 The Model of Implementing Ethnic Education in the Inland Tibetan Classes in China: A Case Study of the Beijing Tibetan Middle School
蒙古國際主義中的俄國因素 Russian Factors in Mongolian Internationalism