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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Process and the Implication of the Siraya to be the First County-Recognized Taiwan Indigenous Population |
作者 |
陳叔倬、段洪坤 |
中文摘要 |
過去西拉雅族與其他平埔族群一同向中央政府訴求認定,一直未獲突破。轉向落實地方文化振興之復,獲得臺南縣政府正式回應,成為臺灣第一個縣認定原住民族。此案的發展將對於臺灣未來原住民政治帶來優良影響:平埔族群轉向原住民族認同;縣認定原住民族成為中央認定與未認定之問的緩衝;文化民族成為新的原住民族集合;以及地綠主義成為認定民族個人的新標準。 |
英文摘要 |
The Siraya was not officially recognized by Taiwan government because of its Pinpu background. In 2006, the Siraya is recognized by Tainan County and becomes the first county-recognized Taiwan indigenous population. This development will bring some good effects to the Taiwan indigenous politics: Pinpu peoples turn to self-identify as indigenous peoples; the population recognized by county can release the pressure against central government; the cultural population becomes another category of indigenous populations; and the relation to the land turns into another important criteria to identify the membership. |
起訖頁 |
145-165 |
關鍵詞 |
西拉雅族、平埔族群、原住民族、原住民族認定、原住民族政治、Siraya、Plains indigenes、Taiwan indigenes、Indigenous recognition、Indigenous policy |
刊名 |
國立政治大學民族學報 |
期數 |
200612 (25期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
阿拉伯人的民族認定一對''標準阿拉伯語''(al──Fushah)與''生活阿拉伯語''(al──'Amiyyah)的解析 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
彝學研究史──環繞民族認定與源流史詩兩個課題的分析 |