台灣國際研究季刊 Taiwan International Studies Quarterly |
201212 (8:4期)期所有篇 |
- 從權力分立觀點論新加坡憲政體制的發展與挑戰 On the limitation and Challenges within the Constitutional System of Singapore: From the View of the Separation of Powers
- 新加坡國會選舉制度 Parliamentary Electoral System in Singapore
- 論人民行動黨與新加坡的一黨優勢之發展 On People's Action Party and Singaporean Dominant One-party System
- 新加坡的經濟發展策略--外資、外勞、外客 Development Strategy of Singapore: Foreign Capital, Foreign Labor, Foreign Clientele
- 1952年『中日和約』的性格再議 The Nature of the 1952 Sino-Japan Peace Treaty Reconsidered
- 氣候變遷對城市的經濟影響--對臺灣城市的啟示 Economic Impacts of Climate Change at City Level: Implications for Cities in Taiwan
- 留日敘事的自我建構--臺灣日治時期回憶錄的跨界意識 Taiwanese Overseas Students'Self-construction in Memoir Writings: The Awareness of Boundary Crossing During the Japanese Ruling Period