技術學刊 Journal of Technology |
201312 (28:4期)期所有篇 |
- 複合式空調熱泵熱水器系統開發 The Development of Multi-Function Air-Conditioner and Heat Pump System
- 煅燒溫度對陽極氧化製備多孔性二氧化鈦電極之影響 Effects of Heat Temperature on the Characterization of TiO2 Electrode by an Anodic Oxidation
- 近接式雙線電器電流感測器訊雜比提升及抑制鄰場用電干擾之設計架構 A New Design Architecture of Proximity Two-Wire Electrical Current Sensor to Promote SNR and Suppress Interference from Adjacent Magnetic Fields
- 智慧型節能照明決策系統之研究 A Study of the Intelligent Energy Saving Lighting Decision-Making System
- 電活性聚亞醯胺∕氧化石墨烯複合薄膜氣體阻障性質研究 Electroactive Polyimide/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite Thin Film with Improved Gas Barrier Properties
- 奈米鑽石石墨研磨墊應用於化學機械研磨移除晶圓氧化層特性之研究. Investigation of a Novel Nanodiamond-Impregnated Polishing Pad for Oxide Chemical Mechanical Polishing
- 室內照明燈具統一眩光指數(UGR)之研究與分析 Research and Analysis of the Unified Glare Rating (UGR) of Indoor Lighting
- 氧化鈣改質製備層狀材料並應用於高溫CO2捕獲程序 Modification of CaO Materials to Produce Lamellar Structure and Its Application as Sorbent to High Temperature CO2 Capture Procedure
- 具耦合電感與電壓箝制電路之高昇壓型轉換器 High Step-Up Converter with Coupled Inductor and Voltage Clamp Circuit
- 雙軸液車床之精度與加工特性 Accuracy and Machining Performance of a Biaxial Hydrostatic Lathe
- 使用雙溫冰水系統於電子廠房之節能改善研究 Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Electronics Factories with Dual-Temperature Chilled Water Systems
- 產品生命週期下整合模組化與拆裝規劃之研究 Deign for End of Life on Product Modularity and Disassembly Planning