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A New Design Architecture of Proximity Two-Wire Electrical Current Sensor to Promote SNR and Suppress Interference from Adjacent Magnetic Fields
作者 徐瑋鴻鄭世賢鄭裕庭林昇甫
能源危機使得全球能源使用都需更有效率,然而效率的提升需要能源使用資訊的輔佐,本文主要探討電流資訊量取,藉以評估電力能源的使用效率。文中我們提出了非侵入式軟性電流感測器,它具有包括了低成本、易於製造、近接式、便於使用和安全等諸多優點。此電流感測器根據法拉第定律 (Faraday’slaw),感應隨時間變化的磁場。由於不可避免的電磁干擾 (EMI),以及鄰近設備用電所產生的磁場都會影響量測輸出,因此本論文設計出平面線圈式電流感測器整合了C型磁性材料鎳 (Ni) 的磁環來解決這些問題,提升訊雜比和抑制鄰近磁場的干擾。實驗結果証實,C型磁環在輸入1 A@60 Hz電流時提升9.94%的感應電壓,且有效的抑制了鄰場的干擾,提高訊雜比。
Due to the energy crisis, a more efficient use of energy is required.However, improving energy efficiency must be based on the data of energy consumption. For the reason, this article focuses on electric current measurementto assess energy efficiency. We propose a non-intrusive, flexiblecurrent sensor with the advantages of low-cost, easy to manufacture,proximity, ease of use and safety. According to Faraday’s law, the currentsensor senses the magnetic flux changed with time. The electromagneticinterference (EMI) and magnetic field generated by the equipment close tothe current sensor will affect the result of the measurement. Therefore,this paper proposes a planar coil current sensor integrated with nickelC-clamp magnetic stripes to solve these problems. The signal to noiseratio (SNR) is improved and disturbances caused from the equipmentnearby are suppressed. The experimental results confirm that the C-clampmagnetic stripes enhance induced voltage about 9.94% at 1A@60Hztesting current, suppress the interference from the adjacent field effectively,and improve the signal to noise ratio.
起訖頁 217-221
關鍵詞 電流感測器C型磁環訊雜比current sensorC-clamp magnetic stripesSNR
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201312 (28:4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 煅燒溫度對陽極氧化製備多孔性二氧化鈦電極之影響
該期刊-下一篇 智慧型節能照明決策系統之研究




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