中山大学法律评论 Sun Yat-sen University Law Review |
201410 (12:2期)期所有篇 |
- 支持抑或阻撓革命:美洲人權體系與拉丁美洲刑事訴訟程序改革 Supporting or Thwarting the Revolution? : The Inter- American Human Rights System and Criminal Procedure Reform in Latin America
- 阿拉伯世界的人權運動 The Human Rights in the Arab World
- 人權話語在當代中國的憲法化 The Transformation of Western Human Rights Discourse in Chinese Constitution
- 現代通信工具下的公民言論自由 Freedom of Speech with the Development of Modem Communication Means
- 被害人諒解的實然與應然理解 Understanding the Forgiveness of Criminal Victims
- 司法關係、複合依賴與人權保障功能──基於中國憲法第135條的分析 Interdependence of Judicial Relationship and Protection of Human Rights: the Analysis of Article 135 of China's Constitution
- 大學在人權運動中的關鍵角色 The University's Critical Role in the Human Rights Movement
- 國際法視野下的國家分離問題 The State Secession from the Perspectives of International Law
- 明清之際法吏觀念的轉變以及能吏的出現 Conceptual Changes about Legal Clerical Official and Appearance of Capable Judges between Ming and Qing
- 基層法院裁判過程中的“政策"解釋難題──以西北地方S省一起“退耕還林"案為例的分析 The Dilemma between the Law and the Policy: A Case Study Concerning 'Grain to Green Project' of S Province in Northwestern China
- 新熟人社會何以可能?──兼評《無訟的世界:和解理性與新熟人社會》 How A New Acquaintance Society Becomes Possible?: An Interpretation of 'The World Without Dispute Reconciled Reason and New Acquaintance Society'
- 國際刑事法院與人權革命 The International Criminal Court and the Human Rights Revolution