勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 Journal of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health |
201503 (23:1期)期所有篇 |
- 家禽屠宰作業環境空氣中細菌與真菌之分佈與特性 The Characteristics of Bacteria and Fungi Bioaerosols Distribution in Poultry Slaughtering Environment
- 以飽和度與亮度進行電腦視覺煙霧辨識研究 Study of Smoke Recognition by Computer Vision Using Saturation and Intensity
- 氯乙烯暴露勞工尿中代謝物(TDGA)分析方法建立及現場驗證 The Analytical Method Development and Field Validation of Urinary Metabolite (TDGA) for Vinyl Chloride Exposure Workers
- 異戊二烯放熱反應測試分析 Thermal Reaction Test and Analysis for Isoprene
- 挖掘機吊掛能力之初步探討 A Preliminary Investigation for Lifting Capacity of Excavator
- 大學校院電機及電子工程系所安全文化 Safety Culture in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Departments at Taiwanese Universities
- 職場健康促進活動之需求評估--實例探討與省思 Need Assessment of Workplace Health Promotion: Case analysis and Reflection
- 運用快速上肢評估法探討營建業勞工肌肉骨骼傷病風險之研究 Evaluation of Musculoskeletal Disorders Risks for Construction Labors Using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment