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勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Need Assessment of Workplace Health Promotion: Case analysis and Reflection
作者 謝幸燕盧易呈顏簡美珠
企業為提升企業形象、善盡企業社會責任、拓展國際市場等因素,越來越重視推動職場健康促進活動。健康促進認證之相關規範要求企業舉辦健康促進活動時應進行需求評估以便在活動設計中納入參與者需求,然而企業界對於需求評估的實務經驗相當有限。 本研究以兩家個案企業的實施過程,說明如何依照問題架構發展需求評估時詢問活動參與者的問題。本研究也說明如何結合質性與量性研究方法進行需求評估,提出個案企業進行問卷調查後得到的初步結果供其他企業之活動設計人員參考。並探討運用需求評估結果回饋至健康促進的活動設計上可能會遇到的阻力,包括1.執行者的人力、時間與經費限制。2.執行活動風險的考量。3.活動參與公平性的限制。4.管理者的個人偏好。 本研究的初步結果顯示現階段國內企業執行需求評估的結果要能實際運用於後續健康促進活動仍有待企業內部更多層面的整合。在資源有限的條件下,執行者如何應用現有的衛教資料,在職場既定的文化氛圍下發揮創意,達到健康傳銷的目標,還需要進一步知能的提升和經驗的累積。
Workplace health promotion is gaining attention in many enterprises due to the increasing drive to enhance public image, fulfill corporate social responsibility, and to expand international markets. Need assessment is one of the required elements for workplace health promotion certification in Taiwan, but experience in such task is very limited in occupational health practice. This study describes the process of need assessment conducted in two corporate firms by using a question framework to develop questions to be asked during the need assessment; this question framework is conceptualized into four phenomena and five participant types based on the researcher´s knowledge about particular diseases and their respective treatments, in order to target different health education contents to different participant types in the health promotion program. Combination of qualitative and quantitative research method in need assessment with preliminary findings from the questionnaires is presented. The potential roadblocks in applying the results of need assessment to the design of the health promotion programs include: 1. Limited resource in manpower, time, and funding. 2. Concern for risks in implementing the program. 3. Interference from fairness of participation. 4. Personal preferences of the cooperate executive officer. Our preliminary results show that application of the results from need assessment into workplace health promotion programs in Taiwan requires better multi-level integration within the firms.
起訖頁 72-85
關鍵詞 健康促進需求評估焦點團體職業安全衛生管理系統Health promotionNeed assessmentFocus groupTOSHMS
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201503 (23:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 大學校院電機及電子工程系所安全文化
該期刊-下一篇 運用快速上肢評估法探討營建業勞工肌肉骨骼傷病風險之研究




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