體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
200612 期所有篇 |
- 十二週拔河訓練對國小男童體型肌力、瞬發力與血壓之影響 The effect on anthropometry, strength, power, and blood pressure in elementary school boy students after 12 weeks Tug-of-War training
- 耐力運動訓練對誘發骨骼肌細胞凋亡之粒腺體訊息傳遞路徑的影響 The effect of endurance exercise training on the mitochondria signaling pathway of apoptosis in skeletal muscle
- 30分鐘臨界速度跑步的脂肪代謝變化研究 Fat oxidation of 30 minutes running on critical velocity
- 博奕理論在羽球比賽技術分析之應用 An application of game theory on badminton competition tactics analysis
- 視障生下階梯動作肌肉勁度調節能力與肌電現象之研究 Leg stiffness regulation and emg activities of person with visual impaired during downward stepping
- 高、低表現蹲踞跳之運動生物力學與肌電圖研究 The biomechanical and EMG analysis of highest and lowest performance in squat jump
- 世界輕艇水球錦標賽國手賽前訓練之訓練量與心情變化分析 A study of mood state of elite canoe polo players training for world championship
- 知覺與喜愛教練領導行為及運動動機氣候的一致性對內在動機及滿意度的預測 The predictions of congruence between preferred and perceived coaches' leadership and motivational climate to intrinsic motivation and satisfaction
- 臺灣地區地方政府推動提升學生體適能實施績效之研究 The performance of implement and promoting students' physical fitness policy by the county/city administration authorities in Taiwan
- 臺灣運動產業的產值估算與組成分析 The value added to production and structure of the sports industry in Taiwan
- 臺灣健身運動俱樂部學員之運動參與行為分析 A descriptive study of learning behavior: motor engagement time in fitness classes in Taiwan
- 運動觀光客參與動機、活動類型與經驗性質之研究--以恆春半島觀光旅遊地區為例 Survey of motivating factors, activity forms and the nature of experiences among sport tourists - A case study in Heng-Chun Peninsula tourism destination district
- 建構登山健行者活動涉入與地方依戀影響模式 Constructing the effect model of hikers' activity involvement and place attachment
- 臺灣女子壘球參與國際運動賽會之研究(1965-2005) The Research on the participating in international sport matches of Women's Softball in Taiwan (1963-2005)