長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201109 (22:3期)期所有篇 |
- 上司--部屬關係品質及團隊效能對護理人員組織及專業情感承諾之影響 The Impacts of Leader-member Exchange and Group Efficacy on Nursing Staff Organizational and Professional Affective Commitment
- 以系統性文獻回顧探討穴位按壓於便秘之應用 A Systematic Review of Acupressure in Constipation
- 慢性肝病患者之生活品質相關因素探討 Factors Associated with the Quality of Life of Patients with Chronic Liver Disease
- 給藥錯誤--護理人員之角色與責任 Medication Error--The Role and Responsibility of Nurses
- 從領導角色談護理實務之倫理氣候 Ethical Climate in Nursing Practice--The Leader’s Role
- 提升護理競爭力--淺談護理系學生應具備之資訊素養 Promoting Nursing Competitiveness--Introduction of Nursing Students’ Informatics Literacy
- 提升癌末患者及家屬參訪安寧療護病房之滿意度 To Improve the Satisfaction of Terminal Cancer Patients and Their Families during Hospice Ward Visiting
- 提升肝臟移植門診病人服藥正確率 Improvement of Medication Accuracy for the Post-liver Transplantation Patients
- 協助一位剖腹產初產婦哺餵母乳之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Assisting a Primipara Breast Feeding after Caesarean Section
- 一位巴拉刈中毒病人的護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Paraquat Poisoning Patient
- 照顧一位因女友情變自殺憂鬱症患者之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of a Suicidal Depression Patient
- 一位腦中風病患及其主要照顧者之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of a Patient with Stroke and his Primary Caregiver
- 照護一位僧帽瓣狹窄併發急性肺水腫孕婦面臨胎兒死亡之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Taking Care of Pregnancy Woman Diagnosed with Mitral Stenosis Combined with Acute Pulmonary Edema and Fetal Death
- 照護一位下肢創傷後接受膝上截肢病人之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient who Had a Leg Amputation after a Traffic Accident
- 一位威爾森氏症行肝臟移植後排斥復發病患之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of a Post-Transplant Patient with Wilson’s Disease Suffering from Recurrent Liver Graft Rejection