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Medication Error--The Role and Responsibility of Nurses
作者 藍雅慧唐福瑩 (Fu-In Tang)
Medication error is a common clinical mistake in medical treatment. Through review of related literature, this study found that the most common types of medication errors are inaccurate dosage and administration of wrong type of medication. The most common mistakenly administered medication is antibiotics, and medication error that involves high-risk drugs can cause potentially serious damage to patients. Many factors lead to medication error on the part of nurses. These factors can be differentiated as system factors and individual factors. System factors include equipment, human resources, and processes of administering or prescribing medication. Individual factors include extent of knowledge about medication, calculation ability, and adherence to policy. Among these factors, inadequate knowledge of medication is the main cause of medication error among nurses. The reasons behind inadequate knowledge include insufficiencies in both formal nursing education and on the job training. This study conducted a comprehensive literature review to provide references for nurses and nursing education.
起訖頁 334-340
關鍵詞 給藥錯誤護理人員medication errornurses
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201109 (22:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 慢性肝病患者之生活品質相關因素探討
該期刊-下一篇 從領導角色談護理實務之倫理氣候




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