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Improvement of Medication Accuracy for the Post-liver Transplantation Patients
作者 洪美雲陳涵玲蔡艷雯蔣玉滿 (Yu- Man Chiang)楊麗慧 (Li-Hui Yang)
In the post-liver transplantation outpatient clinic, several issues like the optimal medication timing, prescription dosage, and blood sampling timing were critically related to the clinical adverse events. Hence, a protocol has been advocated to improve the medication accuracy for this particular population. Based on our study, the medication accuracy at this clinic was merely 85.7%. The causative analysis revealed that suboptimal patient’s recognition of the medications (79%), neglected dosage readjustment, absence of standard prescription instruction and follow-up, and absence of paradigms and instruments for prescription instruction were related to the unfavorable outcomes. Therefore, several measures were adopted, including delivery of prescription readjustment notification and standard prescription instruction, adoption of paradigms for prescription instruction, and organization of group educational seminar. Accuracy of medication and optimal patient’s recognition of the medications were increased to 100% and 96.8%, respectively. Based on our experience, we conclude that the medication accuracy and the patient’s recognition of the medications can be improved by the efforts of group practice.
起訖頁 370-380
關鍵詞 肝臟移植服藥正確率護理指導liver transplantationmedication accuracyprescription instruction
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201109 (22:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 提升癌末患者及家屬參訪安寧療護病房之滿意度
該期刊-下一篇 協助一位剖腹產初產婦哺餵母乳之護理經驗




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