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The Nursing Experience of Taking Care of Pregnancy Woman Diagnosed with Mitral Stenosis Combined with Acute Pulmonary Edema and Fetal Death
作者 李佩倫紀孟鳳周嫚君
The article described the nursing experience of taking care of a woman who was in her 26-week pregnancy and diagnosed with mitral stenosis complicated with acute pulmonary edema and ventilator use, and faced fetal death during ICU stayed. The nursing care period was from November, 24, 2008 to December, 3, 2008. Gordon function heath status assessment tool was used to assess patient’s problems. Data were collected by direct care, communication, chart review, and physical examination. The health problems included decreased cardiac output, impaired gas exchange, and grieving dysfunctional. She was monitored observed for low cardiac output and continued hemodynamic change. The authors performed therapy appropriately and improved the patient’s symptoms. The patient was also taught Pursed Lip Breathing to help carbon dioxide expiration and to improve the pulmonary gas exchange rate. In order to comfort the patient’s loss of a child during during ventilator dependence period, she was encouraged to express the feeling of fetal death by writing. Empathy and mental support were used to relieve patient’s guilt about fetal loss. The unique nursing experience can be a reference for caring similar patients in the future.
起訖頁 421-430
關鍵詞 僧帽瓣狹窄肺水腫胎兒死亡Mitral stenosispulmonary edemafetal death
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201109 (22:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 一位腦中風病患及其主要照顧者之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 照護一位下肢創傷後接受膝上截肢病人之護理經驗




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