長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
200812 (19:4期)期所有篇 |
- 大學新生睡眠品質與疾病和生化檢查值的關係 Relationship between Sleep Quality and Illness and Biomarkers of Disease in University Freshmen
- 兒科急重症病房護理人員照護臨終兒童之困境 Acute Pediatric Nursing Barriers of Caring for Terminally Ill Children
- 視訊化哺餵母乳教育介入對高中職生哺餵母乳知識、態度之成效 Effectiveness of a Video-based Breastfeeding Program on Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitude among High School Students
- 臨床護理人員組織承諾與工作滿足感之相關性探討 Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction in Clinical Nurses
- 談巴金森氏病患者行深部腦刺激術的護理 Nursing Care of Deep Brain Stimulation in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
- 雷射屈光手術之手術全期護理 Peri-operative Nursing Care of Patients Undergoing Refractive Surgery
- 腎臟移植患者的實證護理--個別衛教 Evidence-based Nursing of Renal Transplantation Recipients: Individual Education
- 提昇泌尿科內視鏡消毒滅菌作業完整性專案 Project of Improving Sterilization Procedures for Urological Endoscopic Instruments
- 護理人員對慢性阻塞性肺疾病老年病患使用定量噴霧劑護理指導改善專案 Improving the Application of Metered-Dose Inhaler in Geriatric Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- 一位先天性中樞性換氣不足合併全腸道神經缺乏症嬰兒之護理經驗 Nursing Experience for an Infant of Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome with Hirschsprung’s Disease
- 應用社會技能訓練與支持性就業於精神病患之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Applying Social Skill Training and Supportive Employment to a Psychiatric Patient
- 一位癌末惡性蕈狀傷口個案面臨死亡焦慮之護理經驗 Nursing Experiences of the Malignant Fungating Wound in a Terminal Cancer Case Facing Death Anxiety
- 一位初次診斷直腸癌病患手術後的護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Patient with First Diagnosed Colon Cancer During Post-operative
- 照護一位患有腎病症候群之學齡期兒童的經驗 A Nursing Experience for a School-Age Child with Nephrotic Syndrome