中文摘要 |
本研究目的旨在探討給予高中職生視訊化哺餵母乳教育後,對其哺餵母乳知識與態度之成效。研究採類實驗設計法,以台北市某一所高中及某一所高職一年級全體學生為研究對象,共有161位學生參與本研究,其中78位為實驗組,83位為控制組。研究工具包括視訊化哺餵母乳教育光碟、哺餵母乳知識量表與哺餵母乳態度量表。先針對全體學生的基本屬性、哺餵母乳知識和哺餵母乳態度,實施前測後,實驗組學生給予視訊化哺餵母乳教育,控制組學生不給予任何實驗介入,再進行後測。所收集的資料以中文版之SPSS 10.0版進行百分比、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定等統計分析,以瞭解視訊化哺餵母乳教育介入之成效。研究結果發現:1.視訊化哺餵母乳教育介入後,實驗組的「哺餵母乳知識」(t=14.58, p< .05)與「哺餵母乳態度」(t=4.24, p< .05)顯著高於控制組。2.視訊化哺餵母乳教育介入一個月後,實驗組的「哺餵母乳知識」(t=12.58, p< .05)與「哺餵母乳態度」(t=4.71, p< .05)均顯著高於控制組,具有顯著的實驗延宕效果。本研究結果可提供發展青少年哺餵母乳教育之參考。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of video- based breastfeeding program. A quasi-experimental design was used. The sample subjects were purposively selected from a senior and a vocational senior high school in Taipei. One hundred and sixty one subjects were assigned into the experimental and control groups. The experimental group received a video-based breastfeeding program while the control group did not receive any breastfeeding program. The pre-test was given before the program and the post-tests were given right after the program and one month later. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, test, and t-test. Result showed that : (1) after the program, the experimental group had higher score of breastfeeding knowledge (t=14.58, p< 0.05) and attitude (t=4.24, p< 0.05) than did the control group; (2) the experimental group had higher score of breastfeeding knowledge (t=12.58, p< 0.05) and attitude (t=4.71, p< 0.05) than did the control group after one month. The results of this study suggested the usefulness of developing programs of breastfeeding for adolescent. |