長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
200303 (14:1期)期所有篇 |
- 照顧者訓練方案對改善失智症照顧者照顧準備度成效之探討 The Effectiveness of a Community-based Caregiver Training Program for Improving the Caregiver's Preparedness of Elders with Dementia
- 地震後災區兒童的生活經驗 Life Experience of Children in the Aftermath of Earthquake
- 癲癇病患心理社會反應及調適策略之探討 The Psychosocial Responses and Coping Strategies in the Epilepsy
- 發展病患服務員與居家服務員整合性課程及配套措施 Development of an Integrating Program and Associated Interventions for Institutional Nurse Aides and Home Care Helpers
- 某護專學生因應行為與健康狀況相關因素之探討 Exploring the Coping Behavior and Health Status of the Nursing Students
- 統合分析於護理實務之應用 The Use of Meta-Analysis in Nursing Practice
- 急診暴力的分析及處置 Violence in The Emergency Department:The Concept and Management
- 音樂治療與健康照護 Music Therapy and Health Care
- 骨科病房病患出入院流程改善專案 Improving Patient Admission and Discharge Processes on an Orthopedic Ward
- 一位SLE引起肺栓塞患者所面臨的衝擊與因應行為 The Impact and Coping Behaviors of a SLE Patient with Lung Embolism