緬甸克倫難民的文化實踐與民族主義運動 Cultural Praxis and Nationalist Movement of Myanmar Karen Refugees
在市場中實踐「西藏意識」:印度、尼泊爾流亡藏人的難民經濟 Practicing “Tibetanness” in the Market Place: Refugee Economy of Exiled Tibetans in India and Nepal
「越」界臺茶:臺越茶貿易中的移動、劃界與本土爭辯 Mobility, Bordering, and the Contested Localness of the Tea Trade between Taiwan and Vietnam
馬來西亞「後茅草行動」的華社變遷:以「動地吟」詩人群體為個案討論 The Transition of Malaysian Chinese Society in “Post- Operasi Lalang” Era: A Case Study on the “Dong Di Yin” Poetic Group
在萬家墨面的時代:「動地吟」的文學行動 The Time of the Poor: “Earth-Shaking Recitation” as Literary Activism
馴化水,也要馴化人:臺北市自來水生飲計畫的面子工程與技術展演 Domesticating Water, Domesticating Persons: The Facesaving Project and Technological Performance of Tapwater Drinking Programs in Taipei
在共同世界的邊緣探問生命政治:阿吉耶的城市人類學與難民營研究 Inquiring about the Bio-Politics from the Edge of the Common World: Michel Agier's Anthropology of City and Camp Study
生命權力以其敏感形式來檢驗:當代異質空間民族誌計畫的簡要導論 Le biopouvoir à l’épreuve de ses formes sensibles. Brève introduction à un projet d’ethnographies des hétérotopies contemporaines