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Practicing “Tibetanness” in the Market Place: Refugee Economy of Exiled Tibetans in India and Nepal
作者 潘美玲
在全球化的跨國移工或經濟移民的現象中,本文探討的是非自願移民的難民群體的生存策略與經濟運作機制。主要針對流亡藏人社群,因為其難民的狀態,同時擔負著維繫西藏的文化使命,而發展出來的「西藏意識」(Tibetanness),從政治認同的面向拓展到市場上的經濟實踐,從而影響其生存策略與經濟活動的實踐。透過流亡藏人在印度的冬季毛衣貿易業,以及在尼泊爾發展的西藏地毯產業,以多點民族誌與比較分析策略,檢視流亡藏人如何在這兩個產業市場當中實踐其「西藏意識」,從而構成西藏難民的經濟特色。這種西藏特色有助於市場差異化策略的進行,但也構成了產業發展的限制。印證了博蘭尼所指出市場鑲嵌在社會之中的運作,尤其流亡藏人社會的發展要務,在於為西藏的家園尋求正義,並以維持認同與文化傳統為優先,因此經濟的目的在於維生,是完成西藏志業的工具,從而對於資本主義式的財富積累和壟斷式的擴張,產生了節制的力量,維繫了藏人在流亡處境下族群團結的基礎。 This paper discusses exiled Tibetans as involuntary migrants, and theirsurvival strategies and economic mechanism. Exiled Tibetans developed“Tibetanness” because they are refugees with responsibility to preserve Tibetanculture and tradition. “Tibetanness” has been derived from political identity,shaping exiled Tibetan’s survival strategies and economic practice. Wintersweater-selling business in India and Tibetan carpet industry in Nepal are twocases to demonstrate how exiled Tibetans exercise their “Tibetanness” in therefugee economy. To make a living is the major purpose of refugee economyand it also serves the Tibetan cause: to seek justice for Tibetans and to preserveidentity and language. This study is based on multi-sited ethnography andcomparative methods on exiled Tibetans in India and Nepal to understand thecommonality and difference of “Tibetanness.” The result has confirmed KarlPolany’s theory that market is embedded in society. Exiled Tibetans have foundtheir way to limit the development of capitalistic accumulation of wealth andcompetition, and to re-enforce their national solidarity.
起訖頁 59-86
關鍵詞 流亡藏人難民經濟西藏意識西藏志業宗教倫理Exiled TibetanRefugee economy“Tibetanness”Tibetan causeReligious ethics
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201812 (27期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 緬甸克倫難民的文化實踐與民族主義運動
該期刊-下一篇 「越」界臺茶:臺越茶貿易中的移動、劃界與本土爭辯




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