201606 (40:1期)期所有篇 |
- 公司法交易安全的實踐:表見代表董事制度 The Practice of Transaction Security in Corporation Law: The System of Apparent Representative Directors
- ieMamigo創業創意行銷企劃書 A Marketing Plan of Brand Creating
- 專案導向學習模式對科技大學學生學習投入與學習成效之影響 Using Project-Based Learning Model to Promote Technical and Vocational College Students' Learning Engagement and Learning Achievement - A Quasi-Experimental Study
- 有關日本改姓的實例研究--以「社會命名論」的觀點 Case Study about the Law Regarding the Surnames of Married Couples in Japan- in Socio-onomasiology's Point of View
- 說服性廣告下藉由利潤分享契約所達成之通路調和 Channel Coordination by Profits-Sharing Contract for Advertisement
- 以敘事力作為引領跨領域學習之課程設計提案--以「食飲.拾影——原味覺醒之美成敘事培力」為例 A Program Design of Multiple-Fields Learning in Terms of Narrative-as an Example of "Culinary and Image-Inspired by Instinctive Aesthetic"
- 連貫性教學設計對提升學生學習成效的影響--以供膳創新模組運用於營養系學生創意飲食的專業核心能力為例 The Infulence between Continuity Instrudional Design and Learning Effectiveness Applied Food Innovation Module Teaches in Nutritional Student for Professional Core Competencies as an Example
- 創新服務模式的均衡膳食智能配膳 Innovative Service Model of Smart Dietitians
- 以創意思考教學提升學生專利申請 Using Creative Thinking Instruction to Improve Students in Patent Application