當代中國司法公信力建構的政治蘊含 Political Implications of Judicial Credibility in China
勞動者職場心理安全健康法律保護的域外新動態及其啟示 Overseas New Trends of Legal Protections on Labors'Vocational Mental Security and Health and Inspiration
論大陸架外部界限的確立與200海里以外大陸架劃界的關係--以2012年尼加拉瓜訴哥倫比亞案為引子 The Relationship between Establishing the Outer Limits of Continental Shelf and Delimitation of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nms:A Study Originated by the 2012 Nicaragua v. Colombia Case
適用於南海的航行和飛越制度研究 Navigation and Aviation System in South China Sea
WTO憲政化:從「司法憲法論」到「貿易民主論」 Constitutionalization of the WTO:From“Judicial Constitution” to “Trade Democracy”