201505 (29:3期)期所有篇 |
- 影響司法公正及司法公信力的現實因素及其對策 Factors Influencing Judicial Justice and Judicial Credibilty and Countermeasures
- 論海盜罪的國際性與海盜罪處罰國家性的衝突與協調 Conflicts and Coordination between International Characteristics of High Sea Piracy and National Characteristics of Criminal Penalties against Pirates
- 面向社會政策的行政法學進路:視角與方法 The Approach of Administrative Law towards Social Policy: Perspectives and Methods
- 公私協作中國家責任理論的新發展——以日本判決為中心的考察 New Developments in State's Responsibility in Public - private Partnerships: An Observation Based on the Judicial Decisions of Japan
- 高校科研經費管理與學術自由的保障研究——以《中央和國家機構差旅費管理辦法》第25條為切入點 Management of Scientific Research Funds and the Safeguard of Academic Freedom in Higher Education
- 犯意和對象變化的犯罪認定 Identification of Crime as to the Change of Mens Rea and Objects
- 腐敗犯罪境外追逃追贓的反思與對策 Overseas Pursuit of the Fled and Recover of Ill - gotten Gains: Reflections and Countermove
- 論無意思聯絡數人侵權行為責任形式的理論基礎 The Legal Basis of Liability for Several Infringing Act without Connected Will
- 公司類型:規範區分與司法適用 Types of Corporations: Divison by Rules and Application by Adjudicatory
- 論我國汽車召回制度缺漏及民事責任完善——以速騰車輛召回為例 System and the Improvement of Civil Responsibility: Illustration by Example of Sagitar Recall
- 著作權“選擇退出”默示許可的制度解析與立法構造 Institutional Analysis and Legal Construction of "Opt out" Implied licensein Copyrights
- 財稅法總論論綱 An Outline of General Studies on Finance and Tax Law
- 論企業單方調崗行為法律效力的判斷 On the Legal Effectiveness of Unilateral Transfer of Employee's Position by Enterprises
- 論刑事簡易程序中的證明標準 Stand of Proof in Crminal Summary Procedure
- 公訴與定罪適用同一證明標準的理論反思 Theoretical Reflections on the Application of the Same Stand of Proof in Public Prosecution and Conviction
- 法律工具主義對美國衝突法的影響及其啟示 The Influence of Legal Instrumentalism on the America's Conflicts of Law and Its Revelation