高齡社區長者社會衰弱之範域文獻回顧 Scoping review of social frailty among community-dwelling older adults
東亞已開發國家的性別平等、家庭政策對生育之影響:對台灣的啟示 Influence of gender equality and family policies on fertility in developed countries in East Asia: lessons for Taiwan
台北市社區空氣汙染與皮膚老化之關係 Association between air pollution and skin aging in Taipei City communities
細懸浮微粒重金屬組成與肝癌發生或死亡之相關性研究 Association between the heavy metal constituents in fine particulate matter and the risk of liver cancer incidence or death in Taiwan
攝食米食之砷、鎘、鉛、銅暴露健康風險評估——以桃園、彰化、台中稻米樣本為例 Assessment of the health risks of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and copper exposure through rice consumption: using rice samples from Taoyuan, Changhua, and Taichung as examples
癌症與非癌生命末期病人使用安寧療護對照護利用及費用的影響 Effect of hospice care use on the utilization and expenses of care for end-of-life patients with and without cancer
收治長期呼吸器依賴病患之醫院集群網絡關係分析 Social network analysis of hospitals admitting ventilator-dependent patients in Taiwan
中文版家庭照顧者給藥管理困擾量表之發展與信效度評估 Development and validation of the Family Caregiver Medication Administration Hassle Scale-Chinese version (FCMAHS-CH)
燒傷醫療體系與大量燒傷事件應變計畫之國際比較 International comparison of burn medical care systems and emergency response plans for burn mass casualty incidents
全民健保民眾就醫流程經驗與治療效果滿意度之相關:2012—2016年我國全民健保就醫權益調查為例 Relationship between patient procedure experience and treatment outcome satisfaction by using 2012-2016 annual National Health Insurance survey data
健保放寬降血脂藥物給付範圍對心血管疾病發生率及費用之影響 The impact of expansion of dyslipidemia drug coverage on cardiovascular disease incidence and costs under the National Health Insurance scheme
以系統性文獻回顧及統合分析法探討運動對於老人憂鬱的療效 Effects of exercise on depression in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis
運用德菲法建構醫師健康識能專業知能指標之研究 Study of constructing indicators of physician's professional competence on health literacy by Delphi method
合併飲食、運動與心理介入對體重與飲食行為之成效 The effects of combined diet, exercise, and psychological intervention on body weight and eating behaviors
檢視職業傷害的趨勢、分布與社會不平等:勞保現金給付之分析 Trends, distribution, and social inequality of occupational injury: analysis of labor insurance compensation data
醫院環境及設備消毒以預防COVID—19感染之探討 Environmental disinfection at hospitals as a strategy for COVID-19 spread prevention
住院病患家屬對病人自主權利法的認知、態度及預立醫療決定的行為意向 Knowledge and attitudes regarding the Patient Autonomy Act and behavioral intention regarding signing advance decision among in-patients' family members