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Association between air pollution and skin aging in Taipei City communities
作者 詹馥妤詹長權李睿桓袁子軒施淑芳 (Shu-Fang Shih)陳政友 (Cheng-Yu Chen)胡益進
目標:本研究旨在探討台北市社區之空氣汙染與其居民皮膚老化之關係。方法:本研究選擇以台北市大同區及北投區作為收案地點,研究對象選擇居住於台北市滿一年以上、年齡介於20至70歲且皮膚無傳染性疾病之社區民眾。本研究採用之方法包括運用微析皮膚照相機及臉部膚質影像分析測量皮膚老化、以自填問卷蒐集與皮膚老化之相關變項,以及依照研究對象居住地址估算暴露值之資料推估民眾暴露於PM10、PM2.5與NO2之程度,最後以多變項羅吉斯迴歸探討空氣汙染暴露與皮膚老化之關係。結果:空氣汙染物NO2與皮膚老化兩者具有正向關係,NO2的暴露程度愈高,皮膚老化1歲以上之風險亦較高(OR=1.05,95% CI,1.004 to 1.10)。結論:研究對象暴露於NO2的濃度愈高,皮膚老化的風險也越高。(台灣衛誌2020|39(2):—154)
Objectives: This study investigated associations between air pollution and skin aging among residents of Taipei City. Methods: We selected Datong District and Beitou District as research sites. The participants were residents aged 20 to 70 years who had lived in Taipei City for more than 1 year and had no communicable diseases. We used a microscopic skin camera and facial image analysis to measure degrees of skin aging. We investigated factors related to skin aging through self-administered questionnaires. We estimated exposure to PM10, PM2.5, and NO2 based on participants' residential address. Finally, we conducted multiple logistic regression analysis to examine association between air pollution exposure and skin aging. Results: A positive and statistically significant association between NO2 exposure and skin aging was identified. The risk of skin aging increased with the degree of exposure to NO2 over 1 year (OR = 1.05, 95% CI, 1.004 to 1.10). Conclusions: Higher exposure to NO2 is associated with a higher risk of skin aging. (Taiwan J Public Health. 2020|39(2):143-)
起訖頁 143-154
關鍵詞 皮膚老化都市空氣汙染台北市skin agingurban air pollutionTaipei
刊名 台灣公共衛生雜誌  
期數 202006 (39:3期)
出版單位 台灣公共衛生學會
該期刊-上一篇 東亞已開發國家的性別平等、家庭政策對生育之影響:對台灣的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 細懸浮微粒重金屬組成與肝癌發生或死亡之相關性研究




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