台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature |
201706 (33期)期所有篇 |
- 女性冷硬派小說中的性與暴力──以桐野夏生《OUT》為例 Sex and Violence in Women's Hard-boiled Fiction: Kirino Natsuo's Out As An Analytical Text
- 「問題文藝」與早稻田派──探討與日本自然主義的關係 A Study of the "Issue Literature" (Mondaibunge) and Writers of the Waseda Group on the Relationship to Japanese Naturalism
- 「竹」的「斎宮」與「月」之「皇女」──『大和物語』的『竹取物語』引用 A Study of the “Issue Literature" (Mondaibunge) and Writers of the Waseda Group on the Relationship to Japanese Naturalism
- 《平家物語》〈うた〉與〈物語〉間的論述:以卷一「鹿谷」為中心 Of Uta and Monogatari in The Tale of the Heike With a Focus on Volume 1 “Shishigatani"
- 德富蘇峰的視角與台灣的記憶──以《臺灣遊記》為中心 The Perspective of Tokutomi Sohou and the memory of Taiwan -Using 《Taiwan Travel》 as the core-
- 太宰治「清貧譚」試論──登場人物的改寫與同時代東亞情勢之關連 Study on “Seihintan" by Osamu Dazai - Correlation between the Rewriting of Characters and the Situation in East Asia at the Same Time -
- 日語外來語詞素「-コン」 The Loanword morpheme “ -con" in Japanese
- 不「盡信書」之儒者──中井履軒的經書觀 Confucian that does not necessarily believe in all classical writing: Perspective of Riken Nankai on classical writing