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台大日本語文研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study of the "Issue Literature" (Mondaibunge) and Writers of the Waseda Group on the Relationship to Japanese Naturalism
作者 王憶雲
大正四年(1915),作家中村星湖(1884-1974)在《讀賣新聞》上發表評論〈問題文藝之提起,表示當前的新文學應以心理描述為核心發展,之後「問題文藝」在文壇引起了廣泛的討論,「新文學」該何去何從,成為當年文壇最熱門的話題。不過,關於本課題之先學研究,數量鮮少。拙稿分析當年發表於報章雜誌的相關評論,聚焦於多位畢業於早稻田大學的文學家身上,如田中純,本間久雄、相馬御風等人,確認這個問題與明治後期的自然主義運動緊密相連,有其文學史上的意義;進而透過兩個角度深入探討,一是自然主義時代是如何使用「問題文藝」一詞,二是英國戲劇評論家威廉.亞契(William Archer, 1856-1924)的訪日,與他在早稻田大學的演講所帶來的影響。統整以上的探討與分析,發現「問題文藝」反映了繼承自然主義的年輕世代對於新文學走向的共同焦慮,包含複雜的面向。
In 1915, the term “issue literature" used by Seiko Nakamura had provoked a heated discussion or debate on the relationship between literary works and social issues in the literary world. In fact, however, there exist not many studies that address this issue. This paper attempts to piece together the appearance of Japanese naturalism in Early Taisho by analyzing commentaries of this year, especially focusing on a number of writers who belonged to the Waseda group, such as Jun Tanaka, Hisao Honma, and Gyofu Souma. Through the above exploration, this paper confirms that the issue is closely related to the naturalism in late Meiji and moreover, argues that the issue reflects the anxiety of young generation.
起訖頁 29-48
關鍵詞 問題文藝問題劇自然主義早稻田派中村星湖Issue LiteratureProblem plays. NaturalismWriters of Waseda GroupSeiko Nakamura
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201706 (33期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 女性冷硬派小說中的性與暴力──以桐野夏生《OUT》為例
該期刊-下一篇 「竹」的「斎宮」與「月」之「皇女」──『大和物語』的『竹取物語』引用




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