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A Study of the “Issue Literature" (Mondaibunge) and Writers of the Waseda Group on the Relationship to Japanese Naturalism
作者 齋藤正志
“The Tale of Taketori” is described as an ancestor of a story in the chapter 17 of “Eawase” in “the Tale of Genji”. Therefore the power of allusion to the following work has been emphasized in particular. By the way when princess's naming that excludes waka (; 31-syllable Japanese poem) to “Kuramochi prince” by “Taketori no okina except for old man (; Taketori no okina)'s name, a topic about “bamboo” has not ceased any more in whole work of “the Tale of Taketori”. and a topic about “the moon” will be esteemed in the second half in the work Now, there are “the Tales of Yamato” in a following work in a history of literature, but there is an expression which seems each “the Tale of Taketori” allusion in the chapter 36 and chapter 77. “Bamboo” is a theme in former present of “Fujiwara no Kanesuke” to “Juushi princess”, but “the moon is a theme by chapter 77 I tell about friendship of the other “fushi princess” and “Minamoto no Yoshitane” “Bamboo” is an important element in the first half in “the Tale of Taketoti” like above mention, and “the moon” will be an important element in the second half in other words, “the Tales of Yamato” endow two princesses with each originality by separating and allusing an important element of “the Tale of Taketori”.
起訖頁 49-63
關鍵詞 『竹取物語』『大和物語』「竹」「月」暗示引用力the Tale of Taketorithe Tales of Yamatobamboomoonthe power of allusion
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201706 (33期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「問題文藝」與早稻田派──探討與日本自然主義的關係
該期刊-下一篇 《平家物語》〈うた〉與〈物語〉間的論述:以卷一「鹿谷」為中心




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