屏東科大體育學刊 Journal of NPUST Physcial Education |
201703 (6期)期所有篇 |
- 高強度間歇訓練對大專公開組羽球選手有氧耐力之影響 The effect of high intensive interval training on the aerobic endurance in college badminton players
- 刺五加增補對人體生理反應及運動表現影響之探討 On the Eleutherococcus Senticosus’ Impacts on the Performance of Physiological Functions and Training
- 震動訓練對股四頭肌最大肌力預測之影響 The Effects of Vibration Training on One-Repetition Maximum Quadriceps Strength Prediction
- 穿著不同釘數釘鞋於踏板進行蹲踞式起跑時後腳對地作用力參數之個案 A study of rear foot ground force parameters when wearing running shoes with different number spikes on pedal to do crouching starts- a case study
- 高強度間歇訓練對優秀中長跑選手運動表現的影響 Effect of High Intensity Interval Training in Highy-Trained Young Long-Distance Runners
- 國際柔道規則發展與修訂之歷史演變探討 Judo Rules Development and Revision of the Historical Evolution of Discussion
- 淺析技術訓練期之訓練負荷生理及生化評定指標 Preliminary Analysis of Physiological and Biochemical Indicators of Training Load in Skill Training Period