中文摘要 |
目的:本研究目的探討震動訓練對於最大肌力之立即性效益。方法:以30名大學男性為研究參與者,利用股四頭伸腿機(PL-2000, Paramount, USA)量測股四頭肌的最大肌力(1 repetition maximum,1RM)。以80%1RM測量反覆次數(repetitions to fatigue, RTF)來估算出1RM。間隔48小時後,以震動訓練介入熱身活動中再RTF測量。最後將所得RTF帶入預估公式中,計算1RM預估值。統計分析以級內相關考驗信賴度,並以相依樣本單因子變異數分析考驗震動訓練前、後預估值與實際量測1RM之差異性。結果:研究結果顯示,受試者重複1RM之ICC值達0.998。震動訓練前之預估值與實際1RM間達顯著的差異,而震動訓練後則無。結論:透過本研究結果可知,於熱身階段中介入以震動訓練,能夠有效的提升RTF次數,進一步能夠提高預估公式的準確性。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the immediate effects of vibration training on one-repetition maximum quadriceps strength prediction. Methods: Thirty college male volunteers were recruited in this study. The subjects were required to perform the actual one-repetition maximum (actual-1RM) quadriceps strength by using leg extension machine (PL-2000, Paramount, USA). Forty-eight hour later, the 80% 1RM used to perform repetitions to fatigue (RTF) as pre-test. And then, the subjects applied vibration training during warm up and implemented 80% 1RM RTF as post-test after 48 hours. The results of pre-test and post-test were respectively applied into the predicting formulas to find out the predict-1RM. Data reliability was measured using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). A repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the difference among pre-test, post-test and actual-1RM performances. Results: The results showed that the reliability tests for 1RM variables produced highly intra-class correlation coefficients of 0.998. The predict-1RMs of pre-test were significantly smaller than the actual-1RMs and predict-1RMs of post-test and there were not significant difference between the actual-1RMs and predict-1RMs of post-test. Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrated that the RTF could be ameliorated by using vibration training during warm up, and which also improve the accuracy of prediction equations. |