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A study of rear foot ground force parameters when wearing running shoes with different number spikes on pedal to do crouching starts- a case study
作者 李渝柔劉于詮陳淑利林信佑郭芳坤
目的:本研究以一位大專男子甲組田徑短距離選手為個案。方法:使用測力板(取樣頻率1000Hz)針對受試者穿著五釘、七釘、八釘釘鞋於踏板進行蹲踞式起跑時,後腳的對地作用力參數進行量測與比較,結果:後腳向後踩踏板力量最大值、後腳向後踩踏板力量最大斜率、後腳踩踏板之摩擦係數、後腳踩踏板與足部蹠屈動作力矩最大值結果均是穿著八釘釘鞋結果最大、穿著五釘釘鞋次之、穿著七釘釘鞋最小;至於後腳向後踩踏板力量之衝量,三雙釘鞋的結果則沒有差距。結論:穿著不同釘數釘鞋會影響本研究受試者足部對地作用力參數;但結果並非依照五釘、七釘、八釘或者相反的順序來產生規律性變化;推究其原因可能是本研究個案穿著不同釘數釘鞋時的規律性動作所導致,建議可招募更多受試者並進行運動學分析來進行後續之研究。 Purpose: In this study, a first level college male sprinter was recruited as a case subject. Methods: One force plate (sampling rate: 1000Hz) was used to measure and compare rear foot ground force parameters when the subject wearing running shoes with five spikes, seven spikes and eight spikes respectively on pedal to do crouching starts. Results: The results of this study showed some parameters’ values were the biggest, medium and the smallest when the subject wearing running shoes with eight, five and seven spikes separately. These parameters were the maximum force and slope of the force curve when the subject’s rear foot pushing pedal backward, the coefficient of friction when the subject’s rear foot pushing pedal; moreover, the maximum torque caused by the pushing pedal and plantar flexion motion of rear foot. As for the impulse of the force produced by the subject’s rear foot pushing pedal backward, these impulses of the three spikes weren’t different. Conclusions: By these results in above we could understand foot ground force parameters will be changed if the subject wearing running shoes with different number of spikes. But the change weren’t regular by the changing order of five, seven and eight spikes or oppositely. Probe into the reason progressively, the subject’s regular motion when it wearing different running shoes with different number spikes might be the reason. More subjects could be recruited and kinematic analysis could be done in the future study.
起訖頁 31-39
關鍵詞 釘鞋蹲踞式起跑對地作用力參數Running Shoe with SpikesCrouching StartsGround Force Parameters
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201703 (6期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 震動訓練對股四頭肌最大肌力預測之影響
該期刊-下一篇 高強度間歇訓練對優秀中長跑選手運動表現的影響




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