中文摘要 |
目的:本研究指在探討高強度間歇訓練(high intensity interval training, HIT)與長距離低速度(long slow distance training, LDT)訓練對優秀中長跑選手運動表現影響。方法:本研究以10 名高中優秀中長跑選手為受試者(年齡:16.4 ± 1.3歲;身高:171.7 ± 4.5公分;體重:59.9 ± 6.5公斤)。於訓練前,所有受試者需接受遞增負荷測驗(graded exercise test, GXT)、30公尺衝刺測驗、下蹲跳(counter movement jump, CMJ)測驗與12分鐘跑步測驗。所有受試者以隨機方式平均分配至HIT組(n = 5)與LSD組(n = 5),測驗後立即進行為期2週的訓練介入。HIT組以30秒全力衝刺至衰竭(all-out effort)的強度設定,每次進行8至12組的訓練,每週訓練3次。LSD組則以65%VO2max相對應之跑步速度進行60分鐘持續跑步訓練,每週訓練5次。結果:HIT組於訓練介入後並未能顯著提升VO2max(p>.05),但是LSD組於訓練介入後VO2max顯著低於訓練前(p<.05)。另外,HIT與LSD組於訓練介入後能促進CMJ的運動表現(p<.05),但無法促進30公尺衝刺與12分鐘跑步距離(p>.05)。結論:2週HIT與LSD訓練介入後,皆能提升爆發力與維持耐力運動表現。不過,LSD訓練無法維持優秀中長跑選手VO2max之水平。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the different between high intensity interval training (HIT) and long slow distance training on performance in young long-distance runners performance. Methods: Subjects included 10 male Long-distance runners (mean ± SD; age = 16.4 ± 1.3 y; height = 171.7 ± 4.5 cm; mass = 59.9 ± 6.5 kg). All Subjects were baseline test before training, included graded exercise test (GXT), 30m sprint, counter movement jump (CMJ), and 12min running test. Following baseline testing, runners were randomly allocated to HIT (n = 5) or LSD (n = 5), which they performed three times (HIT) and five time (LSD) over a 2-wk period. The HIT involved 8-12 x 30 sec all out sprint intervals, the LSD involved 60min running at 65% VO2max. Results: After 2 weeks training, HIT can’t elevate VO2max level, but were significantly decrease VO2max LSD (p<.05).In addition, HIT and LSD significantly elevate CMJ performance (p<.05), but can’t elevate 30m sprint and 12min running performance. Conclusion: 2 weeks of HIT or LSD elevate explosive performance, but LSD can’t maintain VO2max level on young long-distance runners. |