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Judo Rules Development and Revision of the Historical Evolution of Discussion
作者 陳文進林秀卿
運動規則是用以保障選手們能夠在安全的狀況下,公平地進行賽事之相關條文。柔道在成為一項「競技」後,為了使柔道能有更進一步的發展,柔道規則亦隨著時代不斷演進,從規則修改的軌跡,近年不斷的大幅修正規則,目的在於落實柔道運動的地位與區別其他相近運動的模糊,期能由規則修訂增加運動的觀賞度與降低選手的運動傷害。經過一系列修正,在最新的國際柔道規則當中,其對於罰則的修訂、時間上的調整,以及判定勝負與得分上,皆使得柔道競賽在強度上有所提升,並在時間方面有更好的掌握度,因而呈現出更加流暢且刺激的比賽效果。 The rules of the game are designed to ensure that the players are able to play the game fairly in a safe and secure manner. Judo has become a 'competitive', in order to make judo can have further development, judo rules also evolved with the times, from the rules to modify the track in recent years, a substantial correction of the rules, the purpose is to implement the judo movement status and Distinguish between other similar motion blur, the period can be amended by the rules to increase the degree of movement of the watch and reduce the player's sports injuries. After a series of amendments, in the latest international judo rules, its penalties for the amendment, the time of the adjustment, as well as determine the outcome and score, the judo races are to make the intensity has improved, and better in terms of time Master degree, which presents a more fluid and exciting game results.
起訖頁 51-56
關鍵詞 規則場地得分RulesMatScore
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201703 (6期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 高強度間歇訓練對優秀中長跑選手運動表現的影響
該期刊-下一篇 淺析技術訓練期之訓練負荷生理及生化評定指標




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