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Preliminary Analysis of Physiological and Biochemical Indicators of Training Load in Skill Training Period
作者 阮庭妃
運動員藉由平時的訓練及比賽,透過不斷的承受刺激逐漸產生適應;但這種刺激的負荷不能超過人體所能承受的極限,否則將會嚴重危害人體健康。然而,為了解運動員訓練後的生理反應,從血液分析的生化指標,包含乳酸、肌酸激酶、血尿素氮、血紅素與心跳率等來監控運動員的訓練負荷與適應情形。此型態的研究能較準確地掌握選手的訓練強度、訓練量及身體機能之情況,對教練與運動科學人員在安排訓練計畫與監控運動員的訓練效果是極重要的輔助指標。因此本研究欲從了解技術訓練期運動員的訓練負荷之生理生化指標之測定應用,期以作為後續研究的參考方向。 Athletes adapt progressively to the stress of ordinary training and competitions, and the training load shouldn’t go beyond the limit of body. Otherwise, athletes’’ health could be jeopardized. Accordingly, in order to monitor training load and adaptation, several physiological and biochemical indicators are employed, e.g., lactate, creatine kinase, blood urine nitrogen, hemoglobin and heart rate. Since the aforementioned surveillance could meticulously measure the training intensity, volume, and physical functions, it plays an important role in establishing training program and training effect evaluation. As a result, the purpose of this study is to analysis the physiological and biochemical indicators of training load in skill training period and to serve as a reference resource for future studies.
起訖頁 57-66
關鍵詞 乳酸運動科學網球LactateSports ScienceTennis
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201703 (6期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 國際柔道規則發展與修訂之歷史演變探討




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