清華中文學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201112 (6期)期所有篇 |
- 從體用論到相偶論 From the “substance-function theory” (tiyong lun) to the “antithesis theory” (xiangou shuo): Neo-Confucianism and Anti-Neo-Confucianism
- 試論《左傳》文句、文篇與敘事文本的對應關係 On the Correlations among Sentence Types, Discourse Types and Narrative Texts in Zuozhuan
- 關於王勃〈滕王閣序〉的幾個問題──並論正倉院《王勃詩序》和《王勃集注》的文字差異 A few issues with Wang Bo’s “Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng” and an analysis of the textual differences between Prefaces to Poems by Wang Bo in Shosoin Treasure House and Wang Bo Ji zhu
- 國立故宮博物院所藏《山西邊垣圖》、《山西三關邊垣圖》與京都大學所藏《山西鎮邊垣布陣圖》的比較研究 Comparative Study on Maps along the Great Wall in Shanxi 山西 Stored in National Palace Museum of Taiwan and in Kyoto University
- 異物/法術──唐代小說中的西域圖像 Exotic objects/Magic: The image of the Western Regions in Tang Dynasty novels
- 遊走於傳教士與漢學家之間──清華大學圖書館藏十九、二十世紀之交新教傳教士漢學著作綜述 Traversing between missionaries and Sinologists: An overview of Tsinghua University Library’s Collection of Fin-de-Siècle Works by Protestant Missionary Sinologists
- 1949年前中國學術界譯介日本漢學家加藤繁目錄彙編 A bibliography of pre-1949 Chinese translations of the works of Japanese Sinologist Kato Shigeru
- 漢代儒學的一個側面──思想、統治與權力運作 Another Aspect of Han Confucianism: Thought, Rule, and Power
- 乾、嘉、道從論學到議政的今文學發揚 From “Theories on Studying” to “Theories on Politics” during the Reigns of Qianlong, Juaqing, and Daoguang: The Enhancement of Modern Literature
- 論紀昀評點文心雕龍──以神思、體性、通變篇為例 An analysis of Ji Yun’s commentary critique of Wenxin diaolong (The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons) using examples from “Shensi,” “Tixing,” and “Biantong”