《史記三家注》對項羽形象的轉化與虞姬形象的深化 The Transformed Images of Xiang Yu and Consort Yu in the Shiji Sanjiazhu
試論楊守敬舊藏《文選》室町鈔本的異文與來源問題 Discussion of Variant Characters in Muromachi Period Wen Xuan Codices in Yang Shoujing’s Collection
廣面具說──吳梅村〈贈陸生〉詩的曲折自辯 An Elaboration on the Device of the Mask: The Indirect Self-Defense in Wu Weiye’s “Zeng Lusheng”
《安南國譯語》所反映的近代漢語聲調系統 The Tonal System of Early Mandarin Chinese as Reflected in Annanguo Yiyu
時代變局中的疇人家族--以明末清初的欽天監何家為例 Chinese Hereditary Mathematician Families in a Turbulent Era: As Exemplified by the He Family during the Ming-Qing Transition
德川日本媽祖信仰與神道習合的文獻研究 A Textual Study of the Syneretism between Mazu Belief and Shinto in Tokugawa Japan
抗戰晚期的民變與地方社會--以平陽的大刀會與同善社為討論中心 The Dadaohui and Tongshanshe: A Case Study of Popular Uprising and Local Society in the Latter Part of the Second Sino-Japanese War