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An Elaboration on the Device of the Mask: The Indirect Self-Defense in Wu Weiye’s “Zeng Lusheng”
作者 陳建銘
順治十一年(1654),吳偉業(字駿公,號梅村,1609-1671)失節仕清,從此為「兩截人」。梅村屢以詩文抒發心聲,懺悔深重,人所共知;學者更指出,一些更隱微的故國之思,詩人乃借「面具」發聲,躲避政治風濤,以訴衷情。這一「面具說」影響深遠。惟是,順治一朝文網,尚非森嚴,詩人戴上面具才吐露的複雜思緒,似也不必都為悼明。當年出仕、歸里之際,因遭逢丁酉科場案,梅村有詩贈故人陸慶曾(子玄,1604-1680),意外讓自己取得了微妙的發聲位置,傾說其不能言明、被壓抑的欲望。梅村〈贈陸生〉表面上悲歎友人遭際,實則作了一番曲折自辯,略無顧忌,近乎強辭奪理,當此際,吳、陸兩面實為一面。詩章末後,摘下面具,詩人再度給予各自定義。「面具說」之神通廣大,於是更能擴而充之。帶著詩有「兩面性」的警覺,重審梅村作品,許多細節也一一浮現。詩人並非一味庸懦、一生艱苦,仕清前後,梅村集中有兩枝花格外照眼,故園寒梅,日邊紅杏,一枯寂,一繁榮,象徵其出處間複雜心緒。兩首詠傀儡之詩,也各自隱喻了梅村性格之一面。它們能相互歧義,相互補充。甚至,〈贈陸生〉這一詩題,本身也有著兩面性:失節者「入洛」,蕭索或熱中,其實早已難辨難分。 Wu Weiye (courtesy name Jungong, art name Meicun, 1609-1672), a former Ming official, served the Qing court in 1654 and became a disreputable “official who served two regimes”henceforth. Wu wrote a series of poetry to express his own feelings. These works were wildly famous for its confessional sentiment. Furthermore, scholars have pointed out that Wu excelled in the use of the“device of the mask”to project image of his inner-self and to mourn for the vanished Ming dynasty.1 However, the literary inquisition in the Shunzhi reign (1644-1661) was not as strict as that in the later era. Therefore, the usage of“mask”in Wu’s poetry was not limited to the mourning for the former dynasty. In fact, when Wu served the Qing, his friend Lu Qingzeng (1604-1680) was implicated in an examination scandal at the same time. Wu composed a poem“Zeng Lusheng”(For Mr. Lu), which reveals another possibility as well. After conducting close readings of the texts, we have a chance to expose the concealed face of Wu, and to hear his indirect self-defense, even his unspoken desire. This paper also revisits Wu’s post-Ming writings in light of“Zeng Lusheng.”There are two kinds of flowers and puppets appeared in his poems, through which the poet would be able to express his self-contradictory feelings symbolically and allegorically. After reexamining the allusions, we find that the title of the poem“Zeng Lusheng”contains two choices as well: eremitism and collaboration. And it is rather difficult to differentiate one from the other.
起訖頁 67-96
關鍵詞 吳偉業陸慶曾明清之際面具自辯Wu WeiyeLu QingzengMing-Qing transitionmaskself-defense
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201806 (36:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 試論楊守敬舊藏《文選》室町鈔本的異文與來源問題
該期刊-下一篇 《安南國譯語》所反映的近代漢語聲調系統




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