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The Tonal System of Early Mandarin Chinese as Reflected in Annanguo Yiyu
作者 江佳璐
《安南國譯語》屬於《安南譯語》的一種傳本,是一部十六世紀的越南語詞彙集,以漢字譯注越南語音,為研究越語音韻史不可或缺的文獻材料。本文將全書的漢字注音轉寫為越南羅馬字,觀察越語聲調與漢字調類的對應關係。根據《越葡拉字典》(1651)推測當時越南語的聲調特性,並與《中原音韻》、《合併字學集韻》等近代漢語的文獻,以及現代官話方言進行比較。發現《安南國譯語》反映出當時主要對譯的漢語方言陰平為中平調,陽平為低調,上聲為降調,去聲為高升調;入聲的塞音韻尾已完全消失,並產生文白異讀,還有若干對應越南語問聲的現象。 Annanguo yiyu 安南國譯語 is an edition of Annan yiyu 安南譯語 , a 16th-century Vietnamese lexicon that transliterates Vietnamese vocabularies using Chinese characters. As the earliest recorded systematic Vietnamese lexicon, it is indispensable in reconstructing the phonological history of Vietnamese. This paper romanizes all the Vietnamese pronunciations recorded in Chinese characters in Annanguo yiyu and works out tonal correspondences between Vietnamese and Chinese characters. The tonal characteristics of pre-modern Vietnamese are inferred from the Dictionarium Annamiticum Lusitanum et Latinum (1651). By comparing these with early Mandarin Chinese phonological works, such as Zhongyuan yinyun 中原音韻 , Hebing zi xue jiyun 合併字學集韻 , as well as with modern Mandarin dialects, we find that pronunciations in Annanguo yiyu reflect the main tonal values of Chinese topolects at the time: the yinping 陰平 was a middle-level tone; the yangping 陽平 was a low tone; the shangsheng 上聲 was a falling tone; and the qusheng 去聲 was a high-rising tone. In addition, the rusheng 入聲 stop consonants had already disappeared from the language, while sometimes producing variations in pronunciation reflecting different strata of literary and colloquial readings 文 白異讀 .
起訖頁 97-126
關鍵詞 安南國譯語安南譯語華夷譯語近代漢語官話Annanguo yiyu安南國譯語Annan yiyu安南譯語Huayi yiyu華夷譯語early Mandarin ChineseMandarin
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201806 (36:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 廣面具說──吳梅村〈贈陸生〉詩的曲折自辯
該期刊-下一篇 時代變局中的疇人家族--以明末清初的欽天監何家為例




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