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The Dadaohui and Tongshanshe: A Case Study of Popular Uprising and Local Society in the Latter Part of the Second Sino-Japanese War
作者 羅士傑
本文討論1943至1950年浙江省溫州平陽縣由當地同善社恩職人員董仁漲、朱超高結合蔡月祥之大刀會所發動的民變,除了傳統成王敗寇與秘密社會發動匪亂暴動的解釋外,本文結合官方檔案與民間文獻去回答下述問題:參與民變的人群是如何被組織起來的?他們又是藉由怎樣的政治社會文化權力網絡關係去進行結合?本文從地方社會發展與民間邏輯出發,以該事件為切入點,選擇以抗戰晚期的平陽縣的同善社與大刀會組織的發展歷程為討論中心,去進一步釐清在東南沿海地區,不同時代不同人群是如何組織起來去解決他們所面臨的生計問題?有別於過去將大刀會與同善社視為「會道門組織」的研究取向,本文將特別著重他們作為一個大眾組織在抗戰晚期的平陽縣發揮組織人群的政治功能的討論。本文預計展開的討論脈絡如下:首先將澄清二十世紀以來同善社以及大刀會組織在平陽的發展狀況;再討論強調宣揚儒家思想的同善社何以會與大刀會結合並發動民變;最後反思廿世紀以來地方社會人群對現代國家推動政權建設所造成的壓力的應對之道。 This article examines a popular uprising organized by the Tongshanshe (同善 社 Fellowship of Goodness) and the Dadaohui ( 大刀會 Big Sword Association) in Pingyang County 平陽縣 , Zhejiang Province that lasted from 1942 to 1950. According to conventional interpretations, the Tongshanshe and Dadaohui were state-outlawed evil cults that had flourished in local society since the late Qing; however, after examining government archives and related local documents, this article argues that the Tongshanshe was in fact an important redemptive society, while the Dadaohui had been a popular association of martial artists based in Pingyang since the late Qing. In order to avoid conscription and heavy taxation by the Nationalist government, two Tongshanshe priests and their followers fled across the sea to escape. They later decided to cooperate with the Dadaohui to train their members to fight with the Nationalist troops. The uprising began in 1943 and upset the Nationalist forces several times in 1944. But by the end of the Second Sino-Japanese after a series of negotiations. By re-examining this popular uprising that took place during the latter part of the war, we are able to not only shed light on the realities of local political development under the Nationalist regime, but also re-evaluate the local importance of popular associations and redemptive societies before the arrival of the CCP regime in the 1950s.
起訖頁 217-249
關鍵詞 同善社大刀會救世團體大眾組織中國地方政治TongshansheDadaohuiredemptive societiespopular associationsChinese local politics
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201806 (36:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 德川日本媽祖信仰與神道習合的文獻研究
該期刊-下一篇 書評:Chinese Painting and Its Audiences




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