漢學研究 Chinese Studies |
201803 (36:1期)期所有篇 |
- 從漢語「我者」視角看《論語》一則例句的歧義解讀 Reading the Lunyu from the We-Perspective: An Interpreting Ambiguity
- 治氣‧節欲‧養情──荀子的「禮身」修養論重探 Governing Qi, Moderating Desire, and Regulating Emotion: Reassessing Xunzi’s Cultivation of the Ritual Body
- 唐宋誌公神異傳說與中日十一面、十二面觀音信仰 Mysterious Legends of the Monk Baozhi in the Tang and Song Dynasties and the Worship of Eleven- and Twelve-Headed Guanyin in China and Japan
- 患吾學之未至──「己卯士禍」對李退溪朱子學思想深化的影響 To Learn is to Undertake: The Impact of the 1519 Literati Purge on Cheng- Zhu Neo-Confucianism in Joseon Dynasty Korea
- 達士窮途之悲,壯夫歧路之淚──夏完淳〈大哀賦〉的自悼與自贖 Sadness at the Road’s End, Tears at a Wrong Turn: Self-Mourning and Self-Redemption in Xia Wanchun’s“Da Ai Fu”
- 水到渠成──明清山西的環境、制度與水利經營 When Water Flows, A Channel is Formed: Environment, Institutions, and Irrigation Management in Ming-Qing Shanxi
- ──官落寞畫平生──論「銅官感舊圖」題詠與章壽麟沉浮晚清的宦途得失 Painting an Unsuccessful Official Career: Poetry Dedicated to Tongguan Ganjiu Tu and Zhang Shoulin’s Vicissitudes as a Late Qing Official
- 章太炎對聯省自治運動的貢獻 Zhang Taiyan’s Contribution to the Federalist Movement
- 論《漁樵記》、《爛柯山》之主題變奏與文學意象──兼考述改本選本與崑劇表演記錄 Variations in Theme and Literary Imagery of Yuqiao Ji and Lankeshan: With an Investigation of Revised and Selected Versions and Kunqu Performance Records
- 評Hilde de Weerdt, Informaiton, Territory, and Networks: The Crisis and Maintenance of Empire in Song China Hilde De Weerdt, Information, Territory, and Networks: The Crisis and Maintenance of Empire in Song China
- 評胡曉真《明清文學中的西南敘事》 Hu Siao-chen, The Southwest in Ming-Qing Literary Imagination
- 評Wang Zheng, Finding Women in the State: A Socialist Feminist Revolution in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1964 Wang Zheng, Finding Women in the State: A Socialist Feminist Revolution in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1964
- 評王柯《消失的「國民」:近代中國的「民族」話語與少數民族的國家認同》 Wang Ke, The Disappearing National: The Discourse of “Nation” in Modern China and the National Identity of National Minorities