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Painting an Unsuccessful Official Career: Poetry Dedicated to Tongguan Ganjiu Tu and Zhang Shoulin’s Vicissitudes as a Late Qing Official
作者 柯秉芳
At the age of 44, ZhangShoulin 章壽麟 painted Tongguan ganjiu tu(銅官感舊圖 Nostalgia for Tongguanshan), which recalled his first battlehe fought alongside Zeng Guofan 曾國藩 at Jinggang 靖港. The painting’svalue mainly lies in its evocation of the historical significance of the times: itnot only portends the decline of the Qing dynasty, but also casts light on theunspoken dejection of its unsuccessful officials. Zhang had an unremarkableofficial career, and is known only for his Tongguan ganjiu tu. Most scholarlydiscussion on the creation of this painting revolves around Zeng’s place inhistory, exploring his relations to other important coevals; relatively scantscholarship uses the artist and his painting themselves as a departure pointfor a conceptual exploration of the work. Poetry dedicated to paintings aimedto supplement the qualities of the work, recount the poet’s life experience,or embody the original spirit of the painting. This article comprehensivelyanalyzes Tongguan ganjiu tu, first by investigating the relationships betweenZhang Shoulin and the poets who dedicated poems to his painting, therebyclarifying how those poets viewed this painting. Second, it collates thesepoems and assesses their significance for, and thus their influence upon, latergenerations. This accomplishes two objectives: it identifies the original (thecreator’s) concept for the painting Tongguan ganjiu tu, and reveals the poets’ (the viewers’) real motives for dedicating poems to this painting.
起訖頁 203-240
關鍵詞 銅官感舊圖章壽麟曾國藩士人Tongguan ganjiu tu 銅官感舊圖Zhang Shoulin 章壽麟Zeng Guofan 曾國藩intellectuals
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201803 (36:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 水到渠成──明清山西的環境、制度與水利經營
該期刊-下一篇 章太炎對聯省自治運動的貢獻




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