英文摘要 |
In recent years, there have been many studies of the provincial self-rulemovement of the 1920s. And yet, not much attention has been paid to ZhangTaiyan 章太炎 (1869-1936), a political philosopher who gave theoretical andpractical guidance to the movement, especially to the implementation of theHunan provincial constitution. Due to the negative image of the federalistmovement, even less attention has been paid to the arguments for provincialself-rule, and the impact of the movement on the political thought of modernChina. This article provides a new understanding of the provincial self-rulemovement from three perspectives. First, it will examine Zhang’s thinkingon provincial self-rule since his youth, highlighting his different views onprovincial autonomy in response to the changing needs of the times. Second,it will focus on the creative tension between Zhang’s support for provincialself-rule and his commitment to the legitimacy and authority of the Chineserepublic. Third, it will analyze Zhang’s writings and speeches in Hunan,underscoring Zhang’s differences with Sun Yat-sen regarding provincial selfrule.Together, these three snapshots give us a deeper understanding of Zhang,whose support of provincial self-rule was to build a unified but not centralizedChina. |