英文摘要 |
This paper primarily focuses on three questions: Within Xunzi’s 荀子discourse on the practice of using li ( 禮ritual / etiquette) to cultivate the self,what is the relationship between vitality, emotionand the body ? Throughthe relationship of these three, how does Xunzi develop a concrete “body”cultivation technique ? What are the ethical implications and the aesthetic levelof this cultivation process ?I first analyze the concepts of desire and emotion within Xunzi’s practiceof self-cultivation, then elucidate the concepts of restraint and sublimation,which are the two primary aspects of this cultivation. The former is apractice of restraining desire and modifying one’s tendencies towards chasingsatisfaction, and the latter entails using a non-repressive sublimation techniqueto transform one’s desires. The goal of the practice is to transform one’s selfishdesires into desires that are in harmony with the societal norms of that culture.Next, I expound upon Xunzi’s theories of“ governing qi” and cultivatingthe mind. I explain how li can be used as a technique for self-cultivation,transforming the “body” into a self that can flow with change, and bringingabout a “ritual self,” a self that is a summation of the interaction between liitself and the practitioner. Lastly, I discuss Xunzi’s idea that, through the practice of using li totransform oneself, one develops an eternal self-governance. This method canbe classified as an ethical practice that has an intrinsic connection to the innerself. Xunzi’s discourse sheds light on a level of bodily aesthetic perception thatfuses emotions, motivation, deliberation and behavior. |