「詩有可解、不可解、不必解」--《四溟詩話》的傳釋觀念 “There Are Poems That Can Be Explained, That Cannot Be Explained, and That Need Not Be Explained”: The Issue of Hermeneutics in Xie Zhen’s Siming Shihua
義理與現實的衝突 --從丁未漂流人事件看朝鮮王朝之尊明貶清文化心態 The Conflict between Orthodox Thought and Reality: Choson’s Pro-Ming/Anti-Qing Sentiment as Seen in the Attitudes of the 95 Drifting Persons from Taiwan in 1667
書寫才女--清初煙水散人《女才子書》探論 Writing for the Talented Lady: A Study of The Book of Talented Ladies of Yanshui Sanren in the Beginning of Qing
《順治刊荔枝記》肯定祈使句家族初探 Families of Positive Imperative Constructions in the Shunzhi Edition of the Lizhi ji
清人書劄與乾嘉學術--從《昭代經師手簡》二種談起 The Reading Notes of Scholars of the Qing Dynasty and Learning during the Reign of Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing: From Two Texts of the Manual Script of the Masters of Confucian Classics of the Present Age
廈門黑幫籍民的形成與發展(1895~1937)--由「臺匪」到「武力派」 The Formation and Development of Taiwanese Gang Organization in Amoy (1895-1937): From “Taiwan Banditry” to “Armed Groups”