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The Reading Notes of Scholars of the Qing Dynasty and Learning during the Reign of Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing: From Two Texts of the Manual Script of the Masters of Confucian Classics of the Present Age
作者 陳居淵
This paper builds on research in the social history of learning during the reigns of Emperors Qianlong 乾隆 and Jiaqing 嘉慶 from a perspective of the reading notes written by Qing dynasty scholars. The classical form and orientation of the notes demonstrates the scholars’ great accomplishments in the study of the classics and became the channel through which scholars communicated with each other about the acquisition of investigations and learning. The notes provide us with a fresh resource for the study of classics. The continuous exchange between the scholars of that period contributed to the development of a regional scholarly culture in Suzhou 蘇州, Huizhou 徽州, Yangzhou 揚州, and Changzhou 常州. The academic information and resources of the intercourse belonged to the same axiological system and radiated to Jiangsu 江蘇, Zhejiang 浙江 and Anhui 安徽 where a syncretic research network was gradually shaped.
起訖頁 265-294
關鍵詞 清代書劄經學王念孫王引之昭代經師手簡Qing dynastyreading notesConfucian classicsWang NiansunWang YinzhiZhaodai Jingshi Shoujian
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200712 (25:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《順治刊荔枝記》肯定祈使句家族初探
該期刊-下一篇 廈門黑幫籍民的形成與發展(1895~1937)--由「臺匪」到「武力派」




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