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Rethinking Chen Yinke’s Theories on Tang Chuanqi Studies in the Twentieth Century
作者 陳珏
詩歌與傳奇文,有唐代文學二奇花之譽,但學術界對唐人傳奇文認識的深度和廣度,至今仍遠不如唐詩,甚至還不能給傳奇文提供一個為大家所普遍接受的定義。眾所周知,現代眼光的唐代傳奇文整理,始於二十世紀的初葉,由魯迅和汪辟疆發端,陳寅悔出題,列出了兩張「經典書單」(list of canonical works)一張排除中唐「古文家」的作品,另一張則包括他們的作品 後來研究唐代傳奇文的專家,或循魯、汪之途,或由陳公之徑,或調和於二者間,為新世紀的學術界,進一步廓清唐代傳奇文的文類特徵,奠定了堅實的基礎,標示了明確的出發點。有鑑於陳派「書單」之理論內涵,尚遠未窮盡,而陳寅悔所命的「古文與傳奇」之題,乃研究關鍵,以此為軸心,本文將著重探索它的潛在意義,擬從觀察初唐傳奇文和中唐傳奇文有何不同入手,起點則採取辨別體式的角度,故謂之「辨體」。討論中心在於探索陳寅恪對趙彥衛「史才、詩筆、議論」之說的一個創造性和顛覆性的闡釋,它存在 於傳奇文之中,存在於「古文」之中,也存在於詩歌之中,與其說是一個文體意義上的模式,不如說是一個思想史意義上的模式。從此出發,論述中唐傳奇文的成型,其關鍵之一在「文備眾體」的「異質化」敘事現象,通過一 系列特殊的章法,織成了一張「寓意」之網。
Since the publication of Lu Xun’s 魯迅 Tang Song chuanqiji 唐宋傳奇集 and Wang Pijiang’s 汪辟疆 Tangren xiaoshuo 唐人小說 in the 1920s, chuanqi 傳奇 scholars have been making efforts to provide a definition for the genre. However, chuanqi as a genre is very difficult to define. To date, most scholars still largely rely on Lu Xun and Wang Pijiang’s list of canonical works to determine whether or not a certain piece of fiction is chuanqi. It would be important for scholars in the twenty-first century to continue exploring the nature of this complex genre before a commonly accepted definition can be found. Chen Yinke’s 陳寅恪 research on chuanqi in the 1940s and 1950s, I would argue, can be taken as the point of departure for our effort to further explore this genre. This paper serves as a preliminary study on Chen Yinke’s theory on chuanqi, together with other theories on the genre. The focus of my study is on Chen Yinke’s interpretation of the Song dynasty scholar Zhao Yanwei’s 趙彥衛 formula of chuanqi fiction, which emphasizes the combination of historical insight and poetic creative power with political and social criticism.
起訖頁 75-100
關鍵詞 傳奇文古文巴赫金唐代陳寅恪chuanqi fictionancient style proseMikhail BakhtinTang dynastyChen Yinke
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200712 (25:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 論北魏太和新官制的淵源及其影響
該期刊-下一篇 胡瑗與南宋儒學的實踐意識




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