漢學研究 Chinese Studies |
201103 (29:1期)期所有篇 |
- 詩境想像、辭氣諷詠與性情涵濡──《詩集傳》展示的詩歌詮釋進路 Poetic Vision, Affective Rhythm, and the Development of Moral Disposition: Poetry Interpretation in the Shi Ji Zhuan
- 流逝與尋回──試論韋莊〈菩薩蠻〉五首中的春意象 On the Spring Imagery in Wei Zhuang's Five 'Pu Sa Man'
- 鬥茶──荼藝比賽之外的「名茶」身分 Doucha's Identity Outside of Tea Competitions as a 'Classic Tea'
- 論朱子哲學的理之活動義與心之道德義 On the Activity of Li and Morality of Xin in Zhu Xi's Philosophy
- 淨明道祖師圖像研究──以《許太史真君圖傳》為中心 Traditional Images of the Patriarch of Jingming Dao: Focusing on Xu Taishi Zhenjun Tu Zhuan
- 王陽明《年譜》與從祀孔廟之研究 Wang Yangming's Chronicle and the Placing of His Tablet in the Confucian Temple
- 文筆與史筆──論秦淮風月與南明興亡的書寫與記憶 On the Collective Memory of Late-Ming Romance and Patriotism in History and Literature
- 以史觀詩,以詩興史──崔述《讀風偶識》析評 Du Feng Ou Shi: Analysis and Criticism of Cui Shu's Study of the Shijing
- 「鈔」、「寫」有別論──六朝書籍文化史識小錄一種 A Discussion on the Distinction between Chao and Xie: Based on Six Dynasties Book Culture
- 經驗匱乏者的遊戲――再探南朝邊塞詩成因 A Game Played by Those Lacking Experience: Re-exploring the Emergence of Southern Dynasty Frontier Poetry
- 帝制中國的軍事文化 Nicola Di Cosmo, ed., Military Culture in Imperial China
- 一代天驕乾隆帝 Mark C. Elliott, Emperor Qianlong: Son of Heaven, Man of the World
- 蘇精《基督教與新加坡華人1819-1846》 Su Ching, Prostestant Christianity and the Singaporean Chinese 1819-1846
- 中國刑事司法史 Klaus Mühlhahn, Criminal Justice in China: A History