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A Game Played by Those Lacking Experience: Re-exploring the Emergence of Southern Dynasty Frontier Poetry
作者 祁立峰
The literature of the Southern Dynasties has left a deep and lasting impression on us. Its writings on landscape, scenery and palace-style themes are probably the most distinctive feature of the literature of the period. For this reason, scholars have long debated why writers living in the beautiful environs of Jiangnan江南 also wrote a number of works describing the bitterly cold environment of the frontier fortresses. In this paper, I attempt to summarize and analyze the views of several important scholars on this question, exploring their background and thinking, and drawing out those views that seem to fit the facts most closely. In my opinion, it is of course possible that the appearance of this frontier poetry is a reflection of the desire of these southern poets to somehow recover the northern territory that had been lost or an attempt to recreate its culture. However in this paper I suggest that it is not necessarily possible to read such clear intentionality into these poems; I believe that the emergence of this frontier poetry in the Southern Dynasties can most likely be explained as a development borne of the common practices of the time of writing imitative and persona poetry, and a form of literary game play. Despite lacking any real experience of the frontier, in this use of role-play and bricolage these poets achieved the objectives of the game.
起訖頁 281-312
關鍵詞 南朝邊塞詩以文為戲文化他者時空思維Southern Dynastiesfrontier poetryliterary gamecultural otherspatial thinking
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201103 (29:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 「鈔」、「寫」有別論──六朝書籍文化史識小錄一種
該期刊-下一篇 帝制中國的軍事文化




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